Heart disease is common in pets, especially older ones. We offer on-site electrocardiogram services, which is a powerful diagnostic tool. An electrocardiogram, or EKG, is a completely non-invasive procedure that provides essential information about your pet’s heart health.

Your veterinarian will recommend an EKG after a full physical exam if a heart abnormality is detected or suspected. An EKG is used to diagnose cardiac arrhythmia, which is abnormal electrical activity in the heart. If left untreated, cardiac arrhythmia is often a life-threatening condition.

Performing an EKG allows your vet to determine if your pet needs treatment with heart medications and if the arrhythmia is a symptom of a more serious heart condition, which we will immediately refer to a veterinary cardiology specialist.  

EKGs are also a crucial part of routine anesthetic monitoring. When your pet is under anesthesia, a designated AHBC vet nurse is monitoring his or her vital signs at all times. This includes monitoring heart activity via regular EKG readings.

EKG testing during an anesthetic procedure helps your vet determine if any additional medications need to be administered to prevent anesthetic complications.

Example of an EKG Reading